Hi everybody,
Well I dont have that much to say for this weeks letter because we only had about one or two major events happen. I will spend some time trying to send some pictures so hopefully that will compensate for it.
We finally had the chance to go contacting on thursday! First time ever because I was able to talk Elder Gray into going. We have been hurting with the ward to find new investigators so I finally told Elder Gray that we needed to do it the old fashioned way and start talking to people on the street. Low and behold, we were walking through the streets of Col. Sabina, and we found three new investigators that we are planning on teaching. Two of them have decent potential while the other was just.... well drunk. One is named Eric Lopez. He is from Costa Rica and speaks a little bit of english. He came here to get away from some drug problems that he had there but they lost his return papers when he wanted to go back so he is stuck here until they figure it all out. We havent taught him yet, but he has a drinking problem and so it might be a little tough with him. From what we´ve seen, he really wants to change judging by the fact that he started crying in front of us right in the middle of the street saying that he wanted God in his life. He seems like a great guy. The second one is a guy named Carlos. He actually came to us. He saw us walking in the street and yelled out to us ELDERS! He started speaking english to us and we started taeaching him the restoration in english. It was weird because I never have done it in english before. But we did our best. He has a lot of potential too. Hopefully the both of them work out because we desperately need them.
As far as everything else goes, nothing has happened since last week. We teach when we can but most of the time its spent walking around trying to find people. Contacting seems to help, but apparently we cant do it unless we desperately need it. Elder Gray doesnt like doing it, but we occasionally get the chance to. To answer the questions that mom sent me... I dont have a gash, it was just a big goose egg. I am looking out for signs everywhere now because that one hurt. I am doing my best with everything here still. Its quite the adjustment to get used to everything. I am nowhere near fluent in the language. I have so much more to learn with it and its starting to get a little frustrating, but I am working on it everyday. Yo puedo escuchar y entender mas cada dia pero cuando yo hablo... es algo completamente differente. Entonces, estoy probando con todo yo tengo. As you can see, Im still learning grammar stuff because thats the hardest part. I hope that answers the questions. I cant see them and type them at the same time, so I am not positive if I have answered them all. Sorry if I didnt.
Thats awesome to hear about sadies experiences this last week! Sounds like it was a good time. I always wished I could have been a part of special needs. Stay involved with that sadie! It will benefit you so much if you i promise. Keep it up!
Well im gunna close this letter up now... Thank you to all of you for what you have done for me! You all mean the world to me and I couldnt do this without you! Stay strong this week and keep moving forward! You are all in my prayers and I cannot wait to see all of you soon!
Kia Kaha!
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